Why do Manufacturing and High Tech organizations choose Author-it to handle their critical content?
Author-it's Enterprise Authoring Platform (EAP) is designed to help leverage information to meet business needs.
Author-it EAP can increase productivity and reduce costs while enabling you to effectively manage your content, in as many languages as you require. With Author-it EAP you work in a powerful, user-friendly, collaborative authoring environment that:
- provides a familiar, easy-to-use editor
- enables content to be reviewed in real-time
- enforces corporate standards and security
- promotes content reuse and repurposing
- maintains detailed audit trails
Author-it gives you the choice of two subscription options: On-Premises and Cloud
If you choose the Author-it Cloud option, there is no hardware investment required, and no software to install. All you need to access the library that contains your content is a browser and an internet connection. Author (the main editing environment) requires a Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) client, and runs on Windows 7 and above. Contribute requires Internet Explorer 9 and above.
Author-it On-Premises is installed on the client's network, and requires workstations running Windows 7 and above. Publishing to Word requires a locally-installed instance of Microsoft Word 2007 or later, or you can publish directly to PDF using Resolved XML.
Today, Author-it is well-positioned to support a range of industries, helping clients maintain compliance and critical information. If you're in a smaller team, or perhaps a different market, contact us to find out how Author-it can benefit you.