Why have so many clients benefited from our Author-it support?
Starting out with Author-it can be a daunting task without getting the help of an experienced partner to give you a much-needed jump start. Find out why you need a partner with the experience you can trust:
How can you benefit from our services?
Whether you're just starting out with your new CMS, or whether you're a long-time user, we have the experience and resources
to help you maximize your investment.
Here's how we do it:
- FundaMedia is the longest-standing independent partner of Author-it.
Since 2001 Author-it users in many different industries have benefited from our support services, whether it is designing new layouts, solving issues within the database, or setting up effective Localization processes. Contact us today to learn how our Priority Support can help you! - FundaMedia is an Author-it Reseller, and Mike Levey (founder of FundaMedia) was one of the first to be appointed
an Author-it Certified Consultant. Since then he has also served as an Author-it Global Services Consultant,
and his wide experience in solving what some clients were told were "impossible" tasks is a vital asset to you in
strengthening your Author-it team and publications. Mike's schedule fills up rapidly, so if you think you need help,
contact us and book your slot.
- Our acclaimed Author-it training is customized to suit your needs, and is delivered either on-site or via the web, at times that fit with your team. Author-it Software Corporation themselves have contracted Mike Levey many times to conduct training and other complex project work for their own clients: as they say "he has a wealth of experience working with clients to both configure systems and train users". If you need help we can be there for you!
- If you're looking to upgrade from pre-Author-it 6.4, using the old Localization Manager, to the new Localize tap into the our experience to do the task for you. You can rely on us to do the job within time and with no hidden costs, and your integrated content is easily accessible and ready for use with Localize.
- An add-in to enable easy publishing to PowerPoint:
Anyone who has tried to use the Author-it supplied PowerPoint add-in will know just how difficult and constraining that is to use. Our method works for all text, tables and images that can reasonably display on a slide. Now you can fully apply the power of single sourcing with Author-it to meet your training presentation requirements. Get your free trial today!